Sunday, June 9, 2019

Our Last Week in K

This week we celebrated our last week in KINDERGARTEN! 

We started our week off by doing an Art Walk around the school so we could see all the completed murals that were revealed at our 30th Anniversary Celebration!

Pre K and K worked together to make the Wolf Mural! 

On Monday we also got to celebrate the Grand Luncheon with our parents, grandparents, and special visitors!

On Tuesday, our EHS Senior Volunteers helped out in our classrooms and joined us for a nature walk with the seals!

We also had some Alumni Giraffe Readers and got to water (and do some harvesting!) in the garden

On our last day, we celebrated Field Day in the morning. We had a BLAST playing games and spending time with our friends, teachers, and volunteers

We started Field Day with our annual Field Day Parade!

Let the games BEGIN! 

After field day, we had a lovely picnic with our families in the garden before moving inside for our Kindergarten Graduation. 

We started off our graduation with a slideshow of our year in kindergarten. Afterwards, we presented each of the giraffes with their Kindergarten Diploma, a photo and frame, and a beach ball so they can have a "ball" this summer! 

We also shared the following poem, which is written on the back of each photo:

You’re a very special person
And we thought that you should know
We’ve loved being your teachers
How fast our year did go!

Please come back to visit
As through the grades you go
Try hard to learn all you can--
There’s just so much to know!

One thing we tried to teach you
To last your whole life through,
Is to know that you are special
Just by being YOU!

We also got to share our "Summer Vacation" song with families--a Giraffe Original! 

Giraffes, your year in kindergarten has seemed to fly by, and while it makes my heart so sad to see you go, I am so proud of the growth you’ve made since you walked into this classroom back in August. 

You’ve learned so much in the last school year, stretching your brain in so many different ways, but what makes me the most proud is to think of all the ways your heart has grown. I’ve witnessed your hearts stretching and growing through new friendships, showing empathy for others, your determination to master new skills, and your optimism with trying new things. 

I wish I could tell you in words how much it has meant to me to be your kindergarten teacher. You all hold such a special place in my heart, and know that I will always be here for you no matter where your journey takes you--roads can always lead back to the giraffe class.

Love Always,
Mrs. Mitchell 

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