Sunday, October 13, 2019

Signs of The Seasons

We've really been enjoying going outside with our 2P Science Buddies to look for signs of the seasons changing. While we've been seeing lots of signs of fall over the last few weeks, we learned about some signs in nature that people used to look for (long before doppler radars existed!) in order to prepare for the weather to come. They would start looking for signs of upcoming seasons months before they arrived! 

We've been learning a lot about patterns, and long ago people used to observe weather patterns and other things in nature that fit with those patterns. We learned about different patterns in nature from the Farmer's Almanac that people used to follow to predict what kind of winter was to come. People believed that large quantities of acorns and pinecones were signs that a harsh winter was on its way, as was exceptionally bright foliage, bountiful fruit trees, and many other patterns involving insects and animals! 

When we went out to do some observing ourselves, we saw lots, and lots, and LOTS of acorns! But we also noticed that the apple tree in front of our school did not have a lot of apples. We continued to be on the lookout for these signs around our homes and at school, and many of us came to the conclusion that we would have a harsh or in-between winter since we found some signs of both a harsh or mild winter. We will have to wait and see! 

We also began to focus on our current season and we investigated why leaves change color. The giraffes got to make their own fall trees inside...

...and then we got to look for leaves outside! We learned all about how trees can no longer get nutrients and water from the soil as the cooler weather arrives, so they suck the chlorophyll out of the leaves so they have energy and food to get through the winter. When the green chlorophyll is gone, we get to see all the colors that were in the leaf all along! 

We looked for different kinds of leaves with our science buddies, and we did rubbings of these leaves to compare them to one another. 

We noticed that all of these leaves had veins and stems, and it got us wondering why different trees have different-shaped leaves, so that will be our next investigation! 

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